Paying too much attention to your devices and electronics while on a stroll could be the cause of a catastrophic event. There are cases of bikers looking at their onboard data and not seeing a pothole or loading branch; runners tripping because they are looking at their wrist unit; and walkers who are listening to…
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“Lids on Kids” is a program developed at ABRAMS LANDAU that is geared toward providing children with head protection and safety information so that they can ride their bikes to school safely. Doug Landau has been fitting children in Title 1 schools with bicycle helmets in order to prevent needless brain injuries and disability. Since…
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Helmets R Us recently recalled their Rollerblade-branded helmets used in school’s physical education programs. The helmets fail to meet the federal safety standard, posing a risk of head injury. The recalled helmets are white and “Rollerblade” is printed on the side in black. They were manufactured from September 2011 through April 2017. Model 16, SK-501N and…
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For the sixth year in a row, Herndon law firm Abrams Landau, Ltd. visited Guilford Elementary School for their Bike Rodeo! Attorney Doug Landau tries to visit as many local elementary school as possible before school ends and summer begins to present his Lids on Kids brain injury prevention and bike helmet giveaway program. Physical…
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Hot temperatures warmed up the Lake Newport Pool for triathletes to test their speed for this summer’s multisport season. In the past, the frigid water has seen athletes wear wetsuits for the 400 meter pool swim ! This year it was so hot that there was a misting tent after the finish line and the…
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Running bare footed around the American University track in his wetsuit Saturday morning was how Herndon triathlete Doug Landau started his jam-packed weekend ! Lawyer Landau had entered the “REV3 Transition Competition” to see if he had gotten rusty during the “offseason.” This was just the first of several competitive events held at TRI-MANIA Washington…
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We recently read an article published on the American Association for Justice website about an interesting case in the state of Washington. The details are as follows: A man purchased a fully assembled bike at a store. A few weeks later he took his first ride. As he was pedaling downhill, the bike stopped suddenly…
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“I never saw the biker !” says the driver. “Never heard him coming from behind,” says the cyclist. This scenario is unfortunately not uncommon. Recently contacted by an injured bicycle commuter who woke up with a brain injury after a car crash, Herndon lawyer Doug Landau was presented with a case where the victim had…
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“Medical monitoring and future treatment will help those amateur athletes who have traumatic brain injuries going forward,” according to Herndon head injury lawyer Doug Landau, “and the education and early diagnosis in the future will hopefully prevent permanent disability that sidelines college sports team members who sustain a concussion.” The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) —…
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Baseball pitchers can get beaned by hardballs that can cause devastating facial and brain injuries. Likewise, professional ice hockey players face injury from fast flying pucks, stick wielding opponents, hard ice and checks into walls and plexiglass. Virtually every country in the world has some workplace safety regulations. So it is no surprise that there…
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