Westfields Sprint Triathlon – Warm Smiles on a Chilly Chantilly Morning
only 33 degrees, and did not warm up above 40 when the triathletes were finishing on the Westfield H.S. Track ! Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau came out of the Cub Run Rec Center Pool and immediately put on a jacket and mittens before mounting his bike. He wished he had remembered his toe caps as his feet soon lost feeling. With two of the fastest transition of the day, Landau could not get into a running rhythm and had to try to run without any foot proprioception. One of the challenges for a hot weather spring racer like Landau is getting a thorough warm up and keeping warm throughout the competition. Planning ahead can help an athlete contend with challenging conditions and next year the Herndon injury lawyer will be better prepared for the cold conditions. So how did the frozen-toed attorney do ? Find out in tomorrow’s post…