Paying too much attention to your devices and electronics while on a stroll could be the cause of a catastrophic event. There are cases of bikers looking at their onboard data and not seeing a pothole or loading branch; runners tripping because they are looking at their wrist unit; and walkers who are listening to…
We recently read an article published on the American Association for Justice website about an interesting case in the state of Washington. The details are as follows: A man purchased a fully assembled bike at a store. A few weeks later he took his first ride. As he was pedaling downhill, the bike stopped suddenly…
Distracted drivers are a danger. No one would argue that point. Athletes who train on or near our roadways are particularly vulnerable to a driver who takes his or her eyes off the road, even for a few seconds. This moving video shows just how much one driver’s brief distraction can impact so many lives.…
Our last post featured a discussion of “Assumption of Risk”. In terms of the fans at a sporting event, this doctrine holds that a spectator knows, fully understands, and assumes the risk inherent in watching a live sporting event. Therefore, according to Herndon Virginia Injury Attorney Doug Landau, a lawsuit can be an uphill battle…
Virginia bikers sent me word of a German biker struck by a truck and now on life support at Carillion hospital in Roanoke. This brought back sad memories of being called to INOVA Fairfax Hospital after my clients, who were also in the United States for bike touring, were struck on Route 55 in Fauquier…
Trampoline accidents and injuries can be catastrophic due to the impact and damage to the spinal cords and heads of victims young and old. The issues of adequate spotters, padding and instruction are usually at the forefront of any investigation into a trampoline accident. However, when the trampoline itself is defective, catastrophic injury can result…
Owning a mountain bike does not mean you have to go tearing down mountains, slaloming between trees, jumping roots and avoiding protruding rocks. Bike injury lawyer Doug Landau uses his off road bike for commuting to work in good weather, pulling buggers, “trail-a-bikes” and touring in the off season. Mrs. Landau likes her mountain bike…
While many races start “in water,” there are times and courses where that is not possible. In a race this summer where very low tides resulted in a several hundred meter sprint from the show to water deep enough to swim, several competitors suffered lacerations from shells below the surface. One triathlete contacted ABRAMS LANDAU,…
The recent in Alexandria underscores the importance of drivers looking BOTH ways when crossing DC area cycling, skating and running paths. Too often motorists are looking to see vehicular traffic approaching in whatever direction is closest to their car or truck. Northern Virginia drivers tend to pull out to the street without regard for cyclists…
As he has done before, Landau offered her a helmet, since he often travels with spare safety equipment. The West Coast Athlete graciously accepted lawyer Landau’s offer, as was back in the race. The next day her sister returned the Virginia bike safety lawyer’s helmet, and they cheered the other bicycle racers participating in the…