Girls on the Run; Rosslyn Race Encourages Participation

Asked to be a chaperone for a neighbor, NoVa lawyer Doug Landau ran in the Rosslyn edition of the “Girls on the Run” training program. The course took participants past the Arlington National Cemetery to the Pentagon parking lot and back up to the start and the thousands of cheering parents, coaches, classmates and family members. Girls on the Run of Northern Virginia invites runners of all ages to come run, walk, skip, gallop and even push strollers.
The Girls on the Run 5km bills itself as “Northern Virginia’s most family-friendly 5K,”and there appeared to be thousands of girls taking part. Landau, of the Herndon law firm ABRAMS LANDAU accompanied a family that was celebrating the completion of the Girls on the Run program. While there are special awards for family finishers, Landau was last in the AG, again. So no prize for lawyer Landau. For results, click here. Girls on the Run is a wonderful program that encourages girls to run, be fit and have a goal. There are events for Girls on the Run at several Northern Virginia venues. The GOTR medal is in the ABRAMS LANDAU curio cabinet.