Multisport World – Seminars, Clinics and Competition Galore
Multisport World came to the Mid Atlantic region today. Developed in partnership with USAT Mid-Atlantic Region and held at the state-of-the-art Hanley Center for Athletic Excellence at Georgetown Prep in North Bethesda, Maryland, triathletes, duathletes, bikers, runners and swimmers were treated to a full day of activities. The local high school’s indoor track, pool and conference rooms were devoted to multisport seminars, training clinics, workshops, competitive events and more. The first 500 registered attendees received swag bags with product samples, money-saving coupons and more. Plus all registered attendees were eligible to win valuable prizes and receive discounts to selected Multisport World clinics.
The campus golf course and outdoor track were the venues for the Newton running shoes demonstration and challenging 5km and the pristine pool, held Total Immersion swim clinics. Georgetown Prep was the site of the Bethesda Cure Autism Now Sprint Triathlon (yes, that’s my photo on the far right, exiting the pool en route to winning the race 2 years ago !). All of the big names, and clubs from Virginia, Maryland and DC triathlon were there. There were also a number of newcomers and there was something for everyone, from “newbie” to veteran. In the following posts, the competitions and other news will be published.