Books that heavily influenced my running training include: “Neuromuscular Mechanisms for Therapeutic & Conditioning Exercise,” (University Park Press, 1976) by my Professor Howard Knuttgen, Ph.D. Dr. Knuttgen, was the Associate Dean of the Sargent College of Allied Health Professions at Boston University, where I studied human physiology, ergonomics, anatomy and exercise science. “Winning Running (The…
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To those who say it is impossible to train while on vacation, I say “be creative” and “go with the flow !” Shown at left is my eldest daughter running at sunrise in he Galapagos Islands while on board the “Galapagos Explorer II.” This picture was taken while we were in vacation on the Pacific…
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In the last post I wrote about jogging strollers and baby joggers. They are both ways to keep in shape while spending time with little kids. Another way to keep active after the arrival of a “wee one,” is by backpacking with one of the new baby packs. When I was in California visiting family,…
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When I first started running with my kids in a stroller, there was only one company making a “jogging stroller.” The “baby jogger” came out in 1984, and our first child was in one in 1986. It was a single stroller, with 3 wheels, very stable and only slightly portable. We took it on planes,…
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