Governors Island Racing a Family Affair
During a recent trip for a New York City wedding, Doug Landau’s daughter signed up eight family members to run in the NYCRuns “Summer Lovin’ 5k & 10k Races” on Governors Island. This reclaimed Coast Guard facility is a terrific venue for racing, as there are almost no cars, and the one loop around is about three miles. From this island you can see the Statue of Liberty, the Manhattan skyline and all manner of watercraft going by. The Landaus got up at dawn after a wedding at the Bronx Zoo in order to be on the first Ferry across the Hudson to the race site. Unfortunately there was a mechanical problem with the Ferry, so the race start was delayed an hour. Nevertheless, the Landaus all finished their respective runs, with Melissa Landau winning the 50-59 Age Group in the 10km by TWO seconds! Lawyer Landau’s daughters all finished in style, completing the 6.2 mile course with smiles. And despite a welcome warm, sunny day, Landau came in 2nd in his Age Group in the 5km in just over 22 minutes for the shorter distance event. Click here for full results.
The Landau family then had to rush back on to the Ferry for the 10 minute ride back to New York City, where they jumped onto the Subway so as to be ready for a Mother’s Day Brunch hosted by his middle daughter and her fiancé. Upon exiting the Ferry Terminal, they bumped into one of their NYC cousins, who himself was 10 miles into a long weekend run! What are the chances? Doug Landau will likely be on a month’s hiatus from multisport racing due to his trial and travel schedule, but he does hope to complete enough races to be competitive in the Kinetic Virginia & Maryland Triathlon SuperSeries in the late summer and fall.