How to Prove Your Unwitnessed Bike Accident Case with Invisible Electronic Witnesses
Attorney Doug Landau’s successful bike injury case story was published again! It was first featured in Virginia Lawyer’s Weekly and is also in this month’s Spokes Magazine. You can read the article here Spokes_August2017 or download a free copy of the whole magazine here (look for the August 2017 issue) to see just how the Abrams Landau law team helped our cyclist client win his case using his GPS.
“Personal Black Box” Wins in Court: Proving Your Unwitnessed Case with Invisible Electronic Witnesses
Even though you may ride alone, if you wear a FitBit, an Apple watch, use a Garmin, or any device that can track your position, you have a silent witness to your activity. Though that may sound unsettling, it should offer some comfort that while we may be a slave to our devices, technology can also save the day. -Brenda Ruby, Spokes Magazine, August 2017
If you or someone you know or care for has been injured as the result of a car, truck, bicycle or motorcycle crash, please e-mail or call us at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. (703-796-9555) at once.