Volunteers at the RESTON CENTURY Made for Friendly and Safe Cycling
The Reston Bike Club‘s annual Century Ride showcases the wonderful bike routes through Fairfax and Loudoun Counties in Northern Virginia. This popular local event had over 1200 registrants. Rest stops with knowledgeable RBC members provided water, Great Harvest Bread, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, various energy bars, energy drinks, ice, fruit and other treats. In addition, expert mechanics from A-1 Cycles of Herndon were present at the Ashburn rest stop to repair, check and provide air for cyclists so that they could continue safely.
There was the Century ride (which was over 100 miles !), the Metric century (about 62 miles) and other distances for cyclists of all abilities to enjoy. All of the riders left from the Reston Town Center starting point. Ride organizers had different starting times for the various distances, so that the roads would not become too crowded. The longer ride routes started earlier, and there were sag wagons to help anyone who encountered difficulty. Local amateur radio club members also helped keep communications going for additional safety. In addition to comprehensive RBC “turn-by-turn” trip guides and maps, the roads were marked with different color arrows, thanks to volunteers like triathlete Bob Lytle. This is a fun and challenging event that should be part of every DC Metro area cyclist’s annual schedule.