Injured athletes need to raise a "racket" for accurate medical records
Having represented injured athletes throughout the Virginia, Maryland and Metropolitan DC region, sports injury lawyer Doug Landau has seen stoic sportsmen and sportswomen under-report their injuries and limitations to their treating doctors. Unfortunately, “putting on a brave face” to the health care providers may lead to an inaccurate medical history and a discounting of the negligence, product or premises liability case by the Defendants’ insurance companies. In bike crash, dog bite, swimming pool and jogger injury cases, the insurance adjusters and nurses carefully scrutinize the initial Emergency Room medical records and histories in order to deny, delay and discount otherwise strong liability personal injury claims.
While my grandfather Landau taught me to have a “stiff upper lip,” doing so in the context of medical care can lead to medical records that are not helpful to the physicians or the injured athlete’s legal counsel. So, sports injury lawyer Landau suggests that athletes “raise a racket”and fully and completely advise ALL health providers of their pain, limitations and difficulties. If you, or an athlete you know, has been injured in a bike and car crash accident, attacked by dogs or disabled due to defective sports products, please e-mail or call us at ABRAMS LANDAU (703-796-9555)