Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau wins Bethesda Super Sprint Triathlon (benefitting Cure Autism Now)
Triathlon TrialLawyer Doug Landau participated in the “Cure Autism Now” Super Sprint Triathlon. Taking place on the bucolic campus of Georgetown Prep in North Bethesda, this multi- sport event raises money for Autism Speaks. The Leesburg Herndon sports injury lawyer completed the almost 300 yard swim, 9.3 mile bike ride and 2.5 mile run in 49:04. He averaged 21.25 MPH over the hilly bike course, 6:34 per mile for the run, and only 45 seconds for each transition !
Showing the equality in multi-sport racing, there were 186 male finishers, 181 female finishers for a total of 367 finishers. Because of the experienced race directors and excellent volunteers, Landau saw no bike crashes, slip and falls coming out of the pool, trips and spills in the transition area or other athletic injuries. Doug won the 40-49 age group in 2002 in this race’s Biathlon (run/bike/run format). In 2003, Landau returned to win the overall Biathlon title, as reported in Spokes. Imagine his surprise 6 years later when he was listed today as the overall Super Sprint Triathlon champ when he started off 3rd from last ! Complete results from the 2009 Bethesda Triathlon.