Potomac River Running's Ray Pugsley runner up at Cross Country Nationals !
The 1988 Junior USA Cross Country Champion Ray Pugsley was 2009 USAT&F Masters Cross Country runner up at the Championship race in Derwood, Maryland this week. Pugsley, of Potomac River Running, was in the hunt for the National title on the hilly, slippery, icy and muddy course. Colorado’s Simon Gutierrez needed a big kick to pull away from Potomac Falls’ Pugsley to win the men’s 8K in 25:15. The 48-year-old Raymond Pugsley, competing for the Baltimore/Washington Athletic Club ran a close second in 25:20. Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau was not surprised by his friend’s tenacious race, as he has witnessed Pugsley’s tremendous speed and strength up close at local road running races.