Promise to settle Burke family’s bus crash case ends in trial and verdict
Herndon bus and car crash lawyer Doug Landau was able to help a father who, along with his two sons, was injured when a School Bus crashed into them as they sat at a ramp to get on the highway. Investigation by ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. pointed to gross negligence in the operation of the County School bus.
The School Board’s statement to the press was that they would “take care of this matter” and this family. Instead, the large law firm they hired billed for a lot of time, put several lawyers on the case, engaged in antagonistic activities and ended up at trial. And they still lost. Big time. At the Circuit Court jury trial in this matter, the verdict in favor of the injured plaintiff demonstrated that the jurors understood what was taken from the students injured in this school bus crash.
As the saying goes, “talk is cheap.” Doug Landau has found that many lawyers in large firms bill their clients (usually the insurance companies) a lot of money for their time, but what they say is often not worth anything. They have no ability to make binding decisions and they have no authority to settle cases fairly. Instead, they view cases as “trial by ordeal,” with no respect for the injured victim’s time, expense or losses. If you, a loved one, or someone you know, has been injured in a bus, van, truck, car or other crash, please call us at 703-796-9555 so that we may help.