Leesburg Lawyer Landau wins shoulder injury case – the night before !
the injured employee’s shoulder surgery was unrelated to her on the job accident. However, workplace injury and disability lawyer Doug Landau (shown “all dressed up with no place to go” in front of the Woodstock, Virginia Courthouse) and Dianna Meredith worked hard with the physicians to get statements from: the injured employee’s long time family doctor stating she had no prior shoulder symptoms or treatment; her treating doctor who found the shoulder injury was causally related to the falling box incident; and, the surgeon who operated on her damaged shoulder joint and could say whether he saw evidence of sudden, traumatic injury as opposed to chronic disease.
Because the insurance company recognized that it would surely lose the case and have to pay their lawyers for their time and travel, the capitulated the night before. The ABRAMS LANDAU client remarked, when told she had won, there would be no appeal and she and her family would not have to show up in Court the next day, “You made my day !” We hope to make every client’s day. If you or someone you know has sustained an injury, had surgery and/or suffered a permanent injury, please call us and see if we can “make your day.