June 19 House Hearing on “Encouraging Work” in the SSDI Program
On Wednesday, June 19, at 10 :00 a.m., the House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee will hold a hearing on “Encouraging Work Through the Social Security Disability Insurance Program.” The hearing will take place in room B-318 of the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC. In the Hearing Advisory, Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX) stated: “It’s just plain wrong that those receiving disability benefits who want to work are sentenced to a lifetime of near poverty with no way out. Social Security’s return-to-work efforts are simply failing do their job of helping our fellow citizens find work. We must find ways to help these Americans trade in their disability check for a paycheck that can provide a better life.”
The Hearing Advisory notes that “experts are researching the challenges facing the disability program and developing new proposals intended to help more individuals remain in the workforce or return to work once they begin receiving disability benefits.” It can be expected that the invited witness list will include some of these experts, who also will discuss return to work.
More information about the hearing is available at https://waysandmeans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=337817. The witness list and witness testimony will be available the day of the hearing. The hearing can be viewed as a live webcast at https://waysandmeans.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=2. The archived webcast will be available at the same website several days after the hearing.
Herndon Disability lawyer Doug Landau believes that Federal and state disability laws should ALWAYS promote a return to work or other productive activity.
If you are disabled and there are questions as to what laws apply, email or call Abrams Landau, Ltd. at once (703-796-9555).