your payday loans help Owning a car is a responsibility. And in Virginia, like many states, part of that responsibility entails maintaining the vehicle in safe working order. How does the Commonwealth make sure the cars on its roads are safe? One way is by requiring an annual safety inspection for all vehicles registered in…
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We all know the dangers of texting and driving. And we know that drivers who text while they are driving can be held liable for any accident caused by their distracted driving. But what about a person — someone not even in the car — who sends a text to someone who is driving? Can…
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What protections exist for consumers who enroll in a for-profit degree school? According to a jury in a recent case — the law is on their side! A Missouri woman who thought she was enrolling in the medical assistant’s (MA) program at Vatterott College — a for-profit school — sued the school when she discovered…
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What is going on outside the Abrams Landau office? Road construction! Please accept our apologies in advance, as on-street parking may be difficult while crews work on improving our roads. Parking should be plentiful at the nearby municipal lot. Please call ahead if you have special needs so that we may assist you getting to…
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Herndon injury lawyer Doug Landau is a champion for victims. That is why he finds this case particularly troubling. Background: In 2008, a 19-year-old University of Central Florida (UCF) football player collapsed and died after a strenuous workout. His parents filed a wrongful death suit in 2009. The case went to trial in 2011, and…
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