Tag Archives: ALJ

President’s Ill Advised Executive Order Eliminates Requirements to Be a Federal Social Security Judge

Judges should be selected from the best, brightest and experienced lawyers. Having someone sitting in judgment in a Federal court who has never actually tried the kinds of cases he or she is deciding is a recipe for disaster. However, President Trump’s executive order upends the system put in place to ensure that Federal Administrative…

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Social Security Disability for Musculoskeletal Impairments – A Combination of Medical Conditions

If a claimant does not have a single medical condition that satisfies the requirements for Social Security Disability, a combination of impairments can also lead to Federal benefits. In a recent case the Administrative Law Judge found the claimant’s combination of: Degenerative Disc disease of the spine, Post-Laminectomy syndrome, Chronic Bronchitis, Degenerative Joint Disease, and…

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