Tag Archives: major air hub accident

Protect children passengers: The International Air Transport Association should have common sense guidelines

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world’s airlines, representing some 290 airlines, or 82% of total air traffic. According to the IATA’s own publication, burns and spills remain one of the most commonly reported cabin safety issues, resulting in injury and lost time from work. In the “Cabin Operations Safety Best Practices…

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Airline Flight Attendant Sent for Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) to Determine Ability to do Other Work after In-Flight Injury

When an airline worker is injured on the job and receives comp benefits, their employer (or workers comp insurance carrier) can request that they see a doctor not of their choosing, and not for treatment. Under the Virginia workers compensation law, the comp insurer can have the disabled employee seen by a physician, once per…

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Airport Travelers Need to Keep Theirs Eyes on The Path In Front of Them to Avoid Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

Unless you are a “frequent flyer,” airports can be disorienting places for travelers. The signage, often overhead, can cause elderly, weary, non-English speaking and disabled air travelers to take their eyes off the path before them. Plus, there are PA announcements, other travelers bumping into them and vehicles beeping and passing, etc. Airports can be…

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When Hit by a Motor Vehicle on the Runway, Does an Airport Worker’s Car, Motorcycle or Truck Insurance Provide Benefits ?

“What the car, truck or motorcycle insurance companies give you, in big print at the beginning of the policy, they often take away in the small print !” advises Loudoun and Fairfax County airport injury lawyer Doug Landau. Lawyer Landau notes that there are two key issues to look for in your motor vehicle insurance…

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