When someone rides their bike up to a track, leaps off their bicycle, tosses their helmet and starts tearing around the turf field barefoot, and then repeats the process several times, it tends to attract notice. When that same person, comes splashing out of local lakes, tearing off their wetsuit, cap and goggles, and goes…
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Airline pilots and flight crew encounter all sorts of hazards on the ground in between trips. However, as a recent opinion by Federal Court judge Norman Moon makes clear, under Virginia law, an injured slip and fall victim MUST prove not only that they were injured by something dangerous on the floor, but also that…
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A mentally imbalanced shooter at the Fort Lauderdale Florida Airport may have opened up several airlines to potential liability claims by the injured travelers and the families of those who died. Last week’s shooting at the Hollywood Fort Lauderdale International Airport baggage claim area presents questions of responsibility for the harms and losses to the…
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Five people were killed and six more were injured in the shooting Friday at the Fort Lauderdale Airport. There is a surveillance video that shows the moment the shooter took his weapon out and started firing at people’s heads in the baggage collection area of Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood International Airport (“FLL”). The gunman captured on the…
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When Doug Landau takes the podium on the national program to teach other top trial lawyers about the special rules and regulations at airport runways, he will start by defining what is meant by the “AOA.” According to the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) the Air Operations Area (AOA) “consists of airport areas where aircraft can…
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Just weeks after Doug Landau warned of the dangers of “Rogue Drones” and gave a presentation on “Drone Law” at the convention of American Trial Lawyers, a suspected drone struck a British Airways airliner. The international jet was beginning its landing at Heathrow Airport when it was hit. The aircraft’s pilot reported to police that the…
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Normally, when a Virginia Workers Compensation claim is accepted by the employer and their insurance company, the injured employee must choose a doctor from the panel of physicians offered by the insurer. If the disabled worker fails to choose an attending physician from the panel, then the carrier can deny treatment as “unauthorized.” “The panel…
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Traveling the “friendly skies” is a challenging prospect for those who are disabled. We recently helped a woman in her case against an international airline and airport. She was traveling to a family function and contacted the Defendant Airport in advance of her trip to inquire as to arranging for a wheelchair attendant when she…
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The team at the Herndon law firm ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd., has settled another Dulles International Airport (“IAD”) wheelchair injury case on behalf of an out of state client from the west coast. Because the insurance company for the Defendants would not accept full responsibility for the harms caused to this European model, lawyer Landau filed…
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Air-traffic controllers have plenty to do safely coordinating arriving and departing aircraft, as well as vehicles on the airport operations area. With the surge in the numbers of these small, unmanned aircraft being used in American air space, their jobs, and those of pilots and other airline personnel, have become exponentially more difficult and dangerous.…
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