We recently read an article published on the American Association for Justice website about an interesting case in the state of Washington. The details are as follows: A man purchased a fully assembled bike at a store. A few weeks later he took his first ride. As he was pedaling downhill, the bike stopped suddenly…
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Injuries in competition are a given. However, sporting events with medical personnel on site reduce the chances of increased harm due to delays in treatment. Especially where there are extremes of temperature, humidity or hills, medical personnel on site can help ameliorate the accidents and injuries that may occur. Where competitors are pushing the “Pedal…
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What Kind Of Injuries Does A Soccer Shin Guard Prevent? This was a question posted on a soccer equipment website. The answer made us laugh out loud: I know that soccer shin guards can help prevent shin splints, but what other injuries can these shin guards prevent? The official website of the ACC answers the…
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Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau’s listing of notable races 2008, 2009. The Athletes Lawyer has registered for, will attend or intends to do those events noted by an * Note that there are many excellent race calendars. What Doug Landau has here are races that are unique, “under the radar” or special because of: the…
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Enjoying a gorgeous, sunny day on the Maryland peninsula and raising money for several worthy causes, Herndon Reston area bicycle injury lawyer Doug Landau met up with several Northern Virginia lawyers after completing the 100 mile Sea Gull Century. Shown here at the finish at Salisbury State University are: Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau, Alexandria…
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Last summer I had gone to Snow Hill Maryland several times in order to try a workers comp claim. One of the reasons I went all the way down tot he tip of Maryland is that this was for a long-time client who re-broke his back. he had had his spine put back together with…
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Doug Landau is set to participate in the 20th annual Sea Gull Century, named among the top 10 century rides in the nation by Bicycling magazine. The Ride Magazine has called the century “one of the prettiest big rides in America” and The Washington Post has named it “by far the most popular local century”…
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A 7:30 AM start in 30-degree weather and a 1 mile uphill start was definitely not the best conditions for TheAthletesLawyer, who tends to race best in hot, flat and fast conditions. In fact one of the participants noted that weather any colder than this can cause brain damage and frost-bite to those used to…
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After a bike crash, concussion or loss of consciousness, many athletes feel that if they do not see blood, they are not injured. However, TheAthletesLawyer Doug Landau has advised several injured cyclists that they need to get checked out by specialists where: They have continuing headaches, They have nystagamous (darting eye movements) Dilated pupils, bruising,…
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