Pay attention multi-sport athletes who wish to compete in the Virginia Triathlon Series in 2009. There are new rules and terrific prizes for participants. TriathlonTrialLawyer Doug Landau won his age group in 2007, finished out of the money in 2008 behind two of his clients (!) and did not compete in enough races in 2006,…
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“Where to you get your energy ?” That is a question I am often asked. I am energized and inspired by my clients. The very people who come to me for help and inspriation. It’s a strange world. After volunteering at dawn at the VTLA Fun Run in Colonial Williamsburg and then racing in the…
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In her preparations for the Shamrock half marathon in Virginia Beach this month, Doug Landau’s oldest daughter ran in the DCRRC’s annual Fort Hunt 10 km. road race. Much to their surprise and delight, Miss Landau won an age group prize ! her doting dad had advised her that this 5 lap course was fairly…
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The Blacksburg Classic is an annual event sponsored by Virginia Tech and local businesses that is comprised of a 5 km and a 10 mile road race. Run Around Sports running store helps produce races that start at the local elementary school. Both races pass through downtown Blacksburg, the library and residential area. The 10-miler…
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Herndon Hockey – they do not have enough players from one school to field 3 lines, but they play well enough with 2 to fire up their fans ! The Washington Post Jeff Nelson’s article “Herndon Turns Things Around” tells the some of the story of this remarkable local team. “Any program having a down…
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your goals over the winter hiatus, and then register right away for the popular area races, for, as Shut out of the May Columbia Triathlon, the June VTS Reston Sprint and other early season multi-sport events, Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau learned an important lesson; once you decide on what popular races you want to…
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After struggling over the last 3 triathlons, and even walking for the first time in his career at the DC Nations Triathlon, Doug Landau has withdrawn from racing until further notice. While upcoming events of interest will continue to be posted, the Triathlon Trial Lawyer will not compete at the several races he has already…
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