Teaching Bike Safety and Brain Injury Prevention at Herndon Elementary School
Just in time before school ended and summer break started, the Abrams Landau team stopped by Herndon Elementary School last week to present its Lids on Kids brain injury prevention and bike helmet giveaway program to its sixth grade class. We were joined by Delegate Jennifer Boysko, a couple of her interns, Herndon’s community policing officer Denise Randles and The Connection’s writer Mercia Hobson. We definitely needed the extra hands in order to properly fit helmets for more than 100 students!
After lawyer Doug Landau of Abrams Landau gave his presentation to Herndon Elementary School’s sixth grade class, the students lined up in front of our volunteers to be fitted with complementary Bell bike helmets. Each helmet has a special sticker on the inside to show that it was from us, so that if the helmets ever get damaged, the students can bring it to our Herndon office for a free replacement helmet. Each student was also given an Abrams Landau sport bag to put their helmets in with another sticker to write their contact information on it in case they lose their helmet.
With the help of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association (VTLA) and the Virginia Trial Lawyers Foundation, lawyer Landau created the Lids on Kids program almost eight years ago now. The Abrams Landau team has gone to an average of 3-4 different local public schools each year since to teach children about the importance of brain injury prevention and to giveaway helmets.
Doug is passionate about teaching bike safety and brain injury prevention not only because he has represented many clients with traumatic brain injury but also because he is an avid cyclist and competitive triathlete who has suffered a concussion himself a few years ago. He often says, “If we can save one child from brain injury, then all the effort will be worthwhile.”