Thanksgiving Thanks
Sometimes even the fastest athletes need to stop and be thankful for the gifts and good health they have. Thanksgiving is a time for celebration. We celebrate family, friends and food. It is a unique holiday that does not memorialize the great deeds of some war hero or leader, but rather the bounties that we have in the United States and the American tradition of gathering around the table to give thanks.
It is also a time to think of those who may be less fortunate than ourselves. While I give of my time to volunteer, direct and help with school, sports and law related events, at ABRAMS LANDAU, we donate clothing, food, and supplies to the local free clinic, neighborhood resource center and community center. In addition, regular donations of goods to Purple Heart, AmVets, the Lupus Foundation, Salvation Army, and the Red Cross Blood drives and National Bone Marrow Registry collection efforts. While money may be tight throughout the USA, there are many ways we can give to others and contribute to help our fellow Americans. Everyone at the Landau Law Shop hopes to do even more in 2011.