Haiku for National Poetry Week and DC Sprint Triathlon
The 1st Annual Washington DC Triathlon will take place Sunday, June 20th, 2010 in the heart of the nation’s capital. Brought to you by the producers of The Nation’s Triathlon, there will be Olympic and Sprint Distance events. Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau is entered in the Sprint race. The multisport lawyer hopes to put in a lot of distance outdoors at the Franklin Farms pool and the Herndon artificial turf fields in preparation. If the ABRAMS LANDAU litigator’s training goes as planned, it will be a good test of his fitness for the USAT National Sprint Triathlon Championships in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in late September. The Washington, D.C. Sprint Triathlon organizers asked triathletes:
Is this your first time competing in a triathlon? How are you training? Are you racing in honor of your father ? Any special Father’s Day connections? Why are you doing this race?
Since it is National Poetry Week, Landau wrote a “Father’s day triathlon Haiku”
4 kids,
3 sports
2 “Tri”
one race