Texting or cell phone calls while riding skate boards – Are you kidding me ?

Texting or using a cell phone while on a skate board, roller blading or riding a bicycle will get you a ride in one of these...
Texting or using a cell phone while on a skate board, roller blading or riding a bicycle will get you a ride in one of these...

Tonight, while returning from the Landau Law Shop, I saw teenagers riding their skate boards AGAINST traffic on West Ox Road by Frying Pan Park. Without helmets, pads or braces. And, they were on their cell phones. They could not see cars, hear cars or avoid any injury if there was even a “near miss.” They were not on the sidewalks or bike paths. A dangerous road + fading daylight + lots of traffic + eyes AND ears AND hands occupied = disaster.

Skate boarders, roller bladers, scooters, roller skiers, cyclists and other recreational athletes and competitive sports enthusiasts need to remember that not everyone on the roads and paths have their heightened sensory awareness or fast reflexes. “Defensive driving” means to be anticipating the worst from others on the road. Athletes on wheels need to keep their eyes and eyes on the road. Losing your senses is senseless and may lead to devastating head injury, brain trauma and permanent disability. Ride, blade and skate safely. No call is worth a “close call” or worse.

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