Mayor Fenty's Fabulous Fitness Crib in Georgetown
The mayor of Washington, D.C. beat me. Badly. At both the Reston Duathlon and the D.C. Nations Triathlon, he whupped the Triathlon Trial Lawyer good. So did his brother. I do not care that they grew up with parents who operate a FleetFeet sports and running shoe store. I should be able to take him in a triathlon or other multisport race. So I was keen to see his “crib” where he works out.
The CycleLife in Georgetown is an amazing club/gym/bike shop/health food bar. Toussaint McCrae and his staff have a wonderful location, state of the art facilities and a great attitude. The upstairs strength training and aerobic exercise areas are immaculate and top of the line. If I still worked for the Association of Trial lawyers of America (now “American Association for Justice”) in Georgetown, I would be working out at CycleLife all the time. If you live or work nearby, check it out.