VIrginia tractor trailer crash caused by U-turn, reckless driving, settlement
Plaintiff was a 27 year old male employed as a truck driver who sustained a grade one open right femur (thigh) fracture; closed right comminuted calcaneus (heel) fracture; closed right navicular (mid-foot region below the ankle) fracture; multiple facial lacerations; post-traumatic degenerative joint disease; and right subtalar calcaneocuboid joint. Plaintiff claimed significant in medical bills and substantial wage loss as well. The parties ultimately agreed to a $700,000 settlement according to the case report sent to me this week by The Virginia Verdict Reporter. The Landau Law Shop’s recent truck crash case was reported in the Virginia Lawyers Weekly, and like this case, it resulted in a substantial settlement for Mr. Landau’s truck driver client. If you or someone you know has been injured as the result of a truck, car, tractor trailer or other motor vehicle accident, please contact us by e-mail at ABRAMS LANDAU or call (703)-796-9555.