Verdict for College Baseball Player’s Brain Injury in Bar Attack Assault and Battery Case
cases may take longer in Florida, notes Herndon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau, who has helped injured clients in both jurisdicitons. In fact, notes Super Lawyer Doug Landau, the Virginia Federal Court is known throughout the country as “the Rocket Docket.” Landau Law Shop cases in Virginia tend to resolve faster than in the other states where Abrams Landau clients’ cases are pending. However, even being one of “The Best Lawyers In America” does not mean that that Doug Landau can go any faster than the local court’s schedule allows. The jury awarded $12.8 million to this college athlete who nearly died after he was punched in the head at the University of Florida.
The attack was unprovoked and without warning. The college athlete’s attacker pleaded no contest to assault charges, but didn’t appear at the civil trial. Landau has tried several cases where the Defendant who caused the injuries did not even show up for the personal injury case. The university student sustained a severe head injury. This college athlete required surgeries to remove blood clots and relieve presssure on the brain. The university ballplayer was injured when his head struck the sidewalk several times during a grand mal seizure. He remained in the hospital for about a month. He eventually recovered and was able to continue playing college baseball. For additional cases involving injured university athletes and post-collegiate sports participants, please visit The Athletes Lawyer site.