Tag Archives: Virginia “Super Lawyer” Doug Landau

Herndon Virginia injury lawyer Doug Landau advises: It takes putting many building blocks together to successfully bring one complete injury case to trial

Jury trials look so easy on television and in the movies.  In “real life,” preparation for a jury trial takes many months.  Every single piece of evidence is like a building block.  The early investigation is like the”foundation.”  Any missing bricks can be exploited by the insurance company lawyers and cause the entire structure to…

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Virginia injury and disability lawyer Doug Landau is asked, “Why didn’t the Police write an Accident Report of my car crash ?”

Most car crash cases the Herndon Virginia injury and accident law firm of ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. accepts each year have a “Police Accident Report“, “Police Investigation Report” or “Police Accident Reconstruction Report.” These are usually compared to the ambulance emergency and first responder reports in order to verify key facts about the wreck. However, there…

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Legislative Forum hosted by Northern Virginia Medical Society and Bar Associations

Seeking a “side-by-side” comparison of several of our local legislators, I attended the Legislative Forum hosted by the Virginia Medical Society, Prince William, Alexandria and Fairfax Bar Associations.    The Candidates spoke on several important topics including Immigration, Transportation, Healthcare Funding and Working Across Party Lines.  Examiner Staff Writer Bill Myers was Moderator. The candidates who spoke were, from the Virginia House of…

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How does injury lawyer Doug Landau know what a case is worth ? Is there a “magic formula” ?

The trial team at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. get calls from all over the country from victims of negligence, assaults and permanent injuries.  We are often asked (or told) “there’s a formula to these cases, isn’t there ?”When a brain-injured client’s parent tells me, “My neighbor’s friend’s dentist said that you just multiply the medical bills…

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