The value of the Herndon lawyers luncheon – finding the best people for the case
Last month, the job injury, Social Security Disability and car crash law firm of ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. hosted a luncheon in Herndon for top local lawyers. Doug Landau provided a free lunch, speakers and advice to the attendees, many of whom are not able to afford to get away from their busy practices and attend the state or national trial lawyer conventions. Attorneys from Prince William, Fairfax and Loudoun Counties as well as Alexandria, Virginia and Rockville, Maryland attended this latest meeting at the Zeferrelli Restaurant in the “downtown historic district” of Herndon. Job accident lawyer Doug Landau has previously hosted such lunch and breakfast meetings throughout Northern Virginia.
After over 25 years in practice, Landau is asked why he spends the time, effort and money helping other lawyers who also handle workers compensation, disability and accident cases when they might be competitors. Landau responds that with his licenser in Virginia, Florida, New Jersey, Connecticut and Washington, D.C. and the Federal Courts along the East Coast, there are no other firms that can do all that ABRAMS LANDAU can do where they can do it. Secondly, there are subspecialties within the injury and occupational disease practice that Landau does not handle. In just the last week, he was able to successfully recommend a Federal workers compensation lawyer to several callers and those who e-mailed ABRAMS LANDAU. Just like a family doctor who might refer a patient to a specialist, Landau will often give callers several names of lawyers experienced in the area of law in which assistance is needed. So, if you have a legal question or potential claim, email or call ABRAMS LANDAU (703-796-9555) today. If we cannot answer the question, we probably know someone with experience who can !