The bailiffs at our last several court appearances have had to get extra chairs to accommodate clients, family members, friends and witnesses who have attended Hearings in Fairfax, Manassas, Richmond Virginia as well in Washington, D.C. ! EVERY SINGLE CLIENT who has attended a Hearing weeks and months before their own “day in court” has…
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What costs or fees are routinely allowed a prevailing Plaintiff in Virginia Circuit Court case ? canada levitra online Under the American justice system, the losing side generally does not pay the attorney fees of the winner. In other posts, Herndon Virginia injury lawyer Doug Landau has discussed the payment of per-judgment and post-judgment interest.…
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Rarely do disabled Virginia Workers get more than 500 weeks of wage loss compensation. Even in fatal accident cases, the families of the deceased workers do not even get 10 years of benefits. However, in very limited cases, where the injured worker has lost BOTH arms, legs, eyes, hands or feet, they can apply for…
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After a number of decisions where the disabled worker lost continuing wage loss benefits because their efforts to look for light duty work did not pass muster, the Full Commission of the Virginia Workers Compensation ruled in favor of a claimant on this difficult issue ! In Waldman vs. Wal-Mart, the testimony was that approximately…
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It’s gotten harder, but the short answer, according to Herndon Reston workplace injury lawyer Doug Landau is “yes.” Two 2010 cases made it look like a partial disabled worker would always lose on the issue of marketing unless they were “pounding pavement” every single day. In the 2010 Ruffin case, the Full Virginia Workers Comp…
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