your payday loans help Owning a car is a responsibility. And in Virginia, like many states, part of that responsibility entails maintaining the vehicle in safe working order. How does the Commonwealth make sure the cars on its roads are safe? One way is by requiring an annual safety inspection for all vehicles registered in…
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One recent weekend in September, Virginia State Police issued more than 1,000 (one thousand) tickets to drivers along 870 miles of Interstates 81, 95, 85 and 64. Drivers were cited for such charges as speeding, reckless driving, drunken driving, and drug and other felony charges. What happens if one of these drivers had been involved…
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Earlier this month, the Town of Herndon Police conducted a sobriety and driver’s license checkpoint between the hours of 8:30 pm and 3:00 am. easy payday loans to get Police arrested one driver for DUI, and cited 8 drivers who did not have their operator’s license with them, 11 unlicensed drivers, and 3 child safety…
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We all know the dangers of texting and driving. And we know that drivers who text while they are driving can be held liable for any accident caused by their distracted driving. But what about a person — someone not even in the car — who sends a text to someone who is driving? Can…
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Distracted driving is dangerous. There is no question about it. We can point to countless examples of terrible consequences of distracted driving, and in fact we have discussed that topic on numerous occasions on this site. And we have cited statistics about the prevalence of distracted drivers on our roadways. Texting while driving seems to…
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