October the deadliest month for teenage drivers
The Wall Street Journal reports that the major auto insurance company which insures about one in five cars on American roads, recently reviewed its auto accident data from 2003 to 2007 and discovered that the number of claims for injury or collision damage involving drivers age 16 to 17 was 20% higher in October than in a typical month. These “spooky findings about October and accidents involving teen drivers could be just the hook parents need to start a conversation with their all-knowing offspring in honor of National Teen Driver Safety Week, which is Oct. 19-25.”
Some 1,007 parents were surveyed about how they teach their kids to drive. They were asked what rules they enforce. 94% said they have put some restrictions on their teenagers yakking on a cellphone while behind the wheel. Do you put restrictions on your young drivers ? There are enough distractions on the road. Tell them they can pull over to make a call. Better late and alive. Be safe.