Internet hire by Virginia company results in Florida claim
Wage loss and medical benefits were paid, and a credit agreed to by the parties. The insurance company denied the claim. While the case was denied under Virginia law, it went forward in Florida.
The Deputy Commissioner (trial judge for comp claims) ruled that while the work was done in Virginia, and the signed paperwork turned in at the Manassas headquarters, once the applicant accepted the plane tickets to come to Virginia while still in Florida, the acceptance of something of value was the final act necessary to form the contract of employment. Because that final act necessary to form a contract occurred in the Sunshine State, Virginia had no jurisdiction to hear the case. The claim was then presented successfully in Florida. Mr. Landau is a long time member of the Florida Bar, and he attended the University of Miami School of Law, where he graduated with honors. His grandfather, William Abrams, Esq., would sometimes atend classes with him. Doug Landau also had the the oportunity to try a number of criminal cases for the Florida States Attorney Office in 1984 and 1985. Mr. Abrams, for whom the firm is named, also attended some of Mr. Landau’s trials in South Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Cutler Ridge, downtown Miami, and at night court.