Herndon Reston area injury law firm celebrates Fall Birthdays !

DSCN1015.JPGWhile a number of recent posts have covered somber topics, at Abrams Landau, Ltd., we do also celebrate accomplishments, accolades and other milestones. This Fall, both Beatrice Vargas (on left) and Lauren Holtzman (center) celebrated birthdays with Melissa (bookkeeping, on right) and the rest of the Herndon Reston area injury law firm team. Here the two women are shown enjoying their birthday cake in the always bustling LandauLawShop kitchen. The counter island was built by one of our Workers Comp clients after we successfully won and then settled his claim. Attorney Holtzman was instrumental in the recent policy-limits settlement of a car crash case that occurred less than a mile from our office. Mrs. Vargas was critical to the winning court decision and ultimate settlement of a workers compensation fatality claim for a family that lives in Mexico and North Carolina. Congratulations to both women on their success and hard work.

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