Fairfax Loudoun injury lawyer Doug Landau supports “Law Day USA’ with festivities in Fairfax

DSCF4427.JPGWhile living in Florida, Doug Landau was twice the Annual Law Day USA speaker in Downtown Miami. Since returning to Virginia in 1985, Landau has frequently celebrated Law Day with his friend Ed Weiner in Fairfax. The Weiner law firm has an annual “Weiner Roast,” (no, I do not make this up !) each May, complete with musicians, dancers and fund raising for the Fairfax Bar Foundation. Here host Ed Weiner is listening to a young horn virtuoso while the George Mason University Jazz Band watches.

dkwl_shoe_shine_2009.jpegIn the lower picture, the Herndon Reston trial lawyer is shown getting his “trial boots” shined for use in court during an upcoming dog bite, car crash, work disability, bike accident or brain injury trial. Never one to sit still for long, Doug Landau left the festivities and drove straight to the Annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival. The pants were a present from a doctor who purchased them in Charlottesville. Landau’s been informed that the cords are “UVa Orange,” not “Hokie Orange.” See tomorrow’s post for more news from the traveling “Triathlon Trial Lawyer” and the activities in Winchester.

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