This summer, Margaret Deng took an oath of citizenship and became a citizen of the United States. Her birth country is Sudan, Africa. This mother of 4 came to Douglas Landau for assistance with a workers’ comp claim. Mrs. Deng was disabled from her job as a sales associate as the result of an arm and back injury. She retained the Herndon Reston area injury firm of ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. against her self-insured employer, Hechts (now Macys). How did this heroic woman get injured ? She simply tried to assist a mother and her daughter who were falling and calling for help from a malfunctioning escalator. Mr. Landau was successful in getting Mrs. Deng under the protection of an Award paying lost wages and medical benefits from July of 2005 to the present.When Mrs. Deng came to the office to show Mr. Landau and Workers Comp legal assistant Dianna Meredith her citizenship certificate, there was congratulations for this injured worker. We are blessed to live in a country where the rights of individual citizens are respected and where all of us have the right to be heard on the issues of the day. As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said in 1937, “The only title in our democracy superior to that of President is the title of citizen.” Like the majority of the people in this country, I am proud to be a citizen of the United States of America, and I know that Margaret Deng is proud to be a citizen as well.