ABRAMS LANDAU settles Winchester Virginia factory finger crush case

DSCF3073_parthemos_couples.jpegDoug Landau is shown here with preeminent Winchester workers comp lawyer Nick Parthemos and their wives after successfully settling a case on behalf of a young woman whose fingers were crushed in an industrial machine accident at the factory where she worked.  Landau got the disabled worker under the protection of an Award for wage loss and medical benefits while she was out with a doctor’s note.  After she returned to work and had healed to the point of “maximum medical improvement” (“MMI”), the Herndon Reston area injury and disability lawyer was able to get a permanent Partial Disability rating for his client.

The claim settled shortly thereafter, several years after the case was referred by Mr. Parthemos excellent office.  The trial team at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd., routinely assists and takes on referred cases for other law firms from across the state and across the country.  having more than one law firm assisting on an injury case does not mean additional attorney fees for the client.  It may mean having several specialists helping out, just as there may be several medical specialists in the operating room during complicated surgery.  If you, or someone you know, has been involved in an accident and sustained serious, permanent injuries or disability, have them call us at once.  If we cannot help, we may know of other, experienced law firms that can assist.

2 responses on “ABRAMS LANDAU settles Winchester Virginia factory finger crush case

  1. Arthur J. Kerns

    Did you tell her that she had to pay back all the workman’s comp monies before or after the settlement? I’m sure Nick will remember me. I have new claims in my case and need a reply.

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