2012 Year of Record Low Fatalities – Remember the Pre-School Years
increase the number of cameras to 134. This means more speeding tickets and more money potentially coming into the District’s bank account, but also more lives being saved on the District of Columbia’s streets. From personal experience, there are speed cameras that flash at you even just a couple of miles an hour over the posted limit. These unmanned enforcement devices may keep drivers within the speed limit and keep pedestrians from getting killed. Safety should be the primary concern. The cameras in dangerous intersections are not prohibitively expensive, and the value of human life suggests that we, as a society, would like to see the number of street fatalities continue to decrease. Pedestrians should remember what we learned in pre-school; to stop, look and listen, even if there is no hand to hold before crossing the street. Likewise, motorists should obey the posted speed limit, and drivers should go even slower when road conditions are unsafe, such as when there is snow, ice and rain.