Community-based Care: Northern Virginia’s Dilemma

be met?” are being asked by parents and caregivers throughout Virginia.

On the other hand, the progression towards community-based care is viewed as a victory for the disabled. News reports reveal “studies show the disabled improve when living independently.” Economics also play into the mix as community-based care costs $106,000 per year.  Institutional care costs run to $224,000 annually. In order to save money, Virginia will shift its monies towards community-based care and will also use money once spent on institutions for concerned parents in addition to granting aid. Even though allotting aid to parents is helpful, disabled people from institutional centers may find it difficult transitioning to a new environment. It is as if they are transferring to a new school mid-year and have to make new friends. Hopefully, the parents of the disabled will find comfort in the additional aid and the disabled will have a less problematic transition. Some institutionalized adults have good support networks, others do not.  For those who do not have family or friends who can support their needs, Virginia’s move away from institutional care may prove penny wise and pound foolish for the Commonwealth.

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