Bike to Work Day 2016
Every year Herndon lawyer Doug Landau looks forward to Bike to Work Day. And this year is no exception!
Set for Friday, May 20, 2016, Bike to Work Day has grown in popularity since its inception.
Landau is an avid cyclist and lives a bike-able distance from his office in Historic Herndon, Virginia. So biking to work is a no-brainer for this bicycling barrister!
But much of the fun is had visiting the 80+ pit stops set up throughout the Greater Washington DC Area.
There is FREE food, beverages and giveaways at all locations.
The Herndon Pit Stop is located very close to the Landau Law Shop (797 Center Street, Herndon, VA) and Landau and his team welcome cyclists to drop by to say hello on their way to or from work!
Here are the details:
Pit Stop Information
Location: Town Hall Green – view on maps
Address: Intersection of Lynn and Elden Streets, just off the W&OD trail
Pit Stop Time: Morning – 5:30 am to 10:00 am, Afternoon – 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Contact: Cindy S. Roeder, 703-435-6800 x2123,
Supported by: A-1 Cycling
Bike from Work too! Continue the celebration in Herndon on your commute home. Please also join us on Bike to Work Day from 4-6:30 pm at the same location. No registration required for the afternoon fun.
For more information, visit the Bike to Work website at
The site contains helpful information like safety guidelines, tips for first-time riders, help finding a riding buddy, etc.
The first 15,000 registrants get a free t-shirt as well!
See you out on your bike!