"Road Rage" Driver Assaults Loudoun County Virginia Bikers in South Riding
rider asked the driver if he knew he almost struck a biker, he responded, “Yes, motherf—-r, I meant to hit you !”
The closest cyclist of the group then asked, incredulously, “Do you realize if you would have hit me with your car, you would of seriously hurt me, and or at the rate you were going, possibly even killed me ?” The irate driver’s response ? “That’s right motherf—r, I meant to kill you!” The bicycle rider’s reply to this tirade was to advise that her was going to call the police. While the cyclists were waiting, the raging driver drove by about 4 times flipping them off every time. This dangerous driver then switched vehicles to a black suburban with a “For Hire” license plate on the back, number “H66077?”. He drove up and abused the bikers again while they were waiting for the police, and then tore off speeding down center street.
This driver is dangerous. He admitted that he intended to injure and kill innocent people riding their bicycles. What is worse, he may be a professional driver. Professional drivers should be even more aware of the safety of everyone on the road. Even if there are no physical injuries, the “intentional infliction of emotional harm” is actionable under Virginia law. If you witness this person in another episode of “road rage” please be careful take note, alert law enforcement authorities at once and let the Landau Law Shop know.