Athletes Should Be Aware of Dangers of Unregulated Supplements Health Claims
general claims about health benefits.
Consumers should be wary of supplements sold as substitutes for prescriptions drugs or legal alternatives to steroids. Dietary supplement purchasers should be vigilant when buying products on the Internet, and those marketed primarily in a foreign language. Consulting a physician is always a good idea, as these non-prescription formulations may interact with prescription and over the counter (“OTC”) medications in a way that causes adverse health reactions. Tainted supplements have been linked to reports of adverse events including: strokes, liver and kidney damage and death. The FDA has a link for its office of criminal investigations which looks into tainted health products such ads dietary and weightlifting supplements. Because there are strict time limits for claims involving defective, dangerous or tainted drug products and supplements, if you or someone you know has been injured by a diet or other non-prescription supplement or health aid, e-mail or call us at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. (703-796-9555) at once.