Multiple Sclerosis Charity / Potomac Peddler Bike Ride Case: Herndon Connection interviews Virginia Bicycle Crash Legal Expert
Herndon Attorney Defends MS-8′ Landau wins case for bikers ticketed during multiple sclerosis fundraiser.
By Mike DiCicco, The Connection
Attorney Doug Landau of Herndon-based Abrams Landau succeeded in defending two bicyclists whose cases he had taken for free at a July 7 court hearing.
The defendants were two of eight cyclists ticketed for failing to stop at stop signs during a bike ride to raise money for multiple sclerosis on Sunday, June 7 in Lovettsville.
“It struck me as unjust,” Landau said, noting that the people who were ticketed were part of the charity fund-raiser or were on a concurrent ride with the Potomac Pedalers Touring Club, a regional bike riders’ group. An avid bike rider, Landau has ridden not only as part of multiple sclerosis fund-raisers but also with the Pedalers. “They’re generally older people who are just out for a sunny Sunday afternoon ride,” he said.
Landau said it was not inappropriate for the Loudoun Sheriff’s Office to respond to complaints earlier in the day about cyclists running stoplights and riding three abreast but that the incidents of actual ticketing he knew of from that day seemed excessive. One of his pro-bono “clients,” he said, made what is known as a “track stand” stop, coming to a stop but not touching his feet to the ground. The other slowed and checked for traffic before continuing, in what is called an “Idaho stop” for its legality in that state.
FAILURE TO STOP at a stop sign, whether on a bike or in a car, carries a penalty of four points on one’s driver’s license and substantial fines, along with court fees, Landau said, adding, “On the ticket, it doesn’t say that these are for bicycle infractions.
“If I’m blowing through stoplights at 30 miles per hour with those little ear buds in for an iPod, sure. Take me down,” Landau said. But he said he felt there were substantial differences between bicycles and cars not recognized by state law.
He didn’t get a call from one of the cyclists until July 3, four days before the court date, but he extended the offer for free litigation to all eight of them. Normally, Landau works on cases of personal injury, workers compensation and federal Social Security disability income. “I don’t go to traffic court unless it’s for one of my kids’ tickets,” he said.
After he showed prosecutors his clients’ perfect driving records, aerial photos that illustrated the rural area and the distance that the officer would have been from the bikers, and the Idaho stop law, the two sides agreed on a deal that convicted the two cyclists of lacking reflectors, a much lesser infraction.
FOUR of the others had already pre-paid their fines, while one got his case continued and the other represented himself and lost.
Since the charges were incurred during a multiple sclerosis fund-raiser, Landau has labeled the ticketed bikers the “MS-8.” “I’m all for the best and highest use of resources, and I want cops going after MS-13, not the MS-8,” he said
Way to go Doug!
Thomas J. Curcio (Lawyer and Cyclist)
Way to go Doug!
Thomas J. Curcio (Lawyer and Cyclist)
Hi Doug,
I accidentally bumped into an article in one of the Herndon periodicals yesterday about the court case of the eight riders fined during a charity ride. Well done, defending the brothers and sisters in two wheels. I just wished I had not read the part about the four points from not completely stopping at a stop sign( Idaho stop). It’s going to bring my average speed on the trail down 🙂
I liked the article bc the reporter was very faithful reproducing your comments. They were pretty funny.
You need to tell me what you do to have the whole family participating on these races. I am hoping that I can do that one day.
Have fun racing,
Hi Doug,
I accidentally bumped into an article in one of the Herndon periodicals yesterday about the court case of the eight riders fined during a charity ride. Well done, defending the brothers and sisters in two wheels. I just wished I had not read the part about the four points from not completely stopping at a stop sign( Idaho stop). It’s going to bring my average speed on the trail down 🙂
I liked the article bc the reporter was very faithful reproducing your comments. They were pretty funny.
You need to tell me what you do to have the whole family participating on these races. I am hoping that I can do that one day.
Have fun racing,
Hi Doug,
Just wanted to give you a big thanks for the positive article about
Idaho Style. I have been pushing hard for this in Oregon the last 3
years and convinced the Bicycle Transportation Alliance to throw their
weight behind it this session. We were close but had trouble with a
committee chair who opposed the idea. I really think if we can show
success in one more state that there are a lot of places ready to fall
like dominos. Every little bit of convincing helps.
Bjorn Warloe
Hi Doug,
Just wanted to give you a big thanks for the positive article about
Idaho Style. I have been pushing hard for this in Oregon the last 3
years and convinced the Bicycle Transportation Alliance to throw their
weight behind it this session. We were close but had trouble with a
committee chair who opposed the idea. I really think if we can show
success in one more state that there are a lot of places ready to fall
like dominos. Every little bit of convincing helps.
Bjorn Warloe
Bjorn: I was surprised at how many people had not considered the “Idaho Stop” as a viable alternative to what may be an unworkable rule in many instances. The video is sensible and for those of us who actually ride their bikes to work and other activities (transportation rather than just for sport), it makes for a compelling piece of evidence in support of realistic enforcement. Thanks for your comment. As you can see, I publish all comments, that are not “spam”, pro & con. doug
Bjorn: I was surprised at how many people had not considered the “Idaho Stop” as a viable alternative to what may be an unworkable rule in many instances. The video is sensible and for those of us who actually ride their bikes to work and other activities (transportation rather than just for sport), it makes for a compelling piece of evidence in support of realistic enforcement. Thanks for your comment. As you can see, I publish all comments, that are not “spam”, pro & con. doug
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The topic of bike laws continue to be in the news: