What is a Social Security Disability Hearing “Witness Room” and what happens inside ?

Disability lawyer Doug Landau is often asked about the facilities used by the Federal Government for Social Security Disability (“SSDI”) Hearings before the Administrative Law Judges (“ALJs”).  Herndon and Reston lawyer Landau was recently asked, “What is a Social Security Disability Hearing “Witness Room” and what happens inside ?”

ABRABRAMS LANDAU Social Security Disability client and witness in an SSDI conference room
ABRAMS LANDAU Social Security Disability client and witness in an SSDI conference room

Landau flew from Dulles Airport, conveniently located just minutes from the Landau Law Shop, to try several cases this winter in North Carolina.  Shown on the left is a happy client (and also a witness in another ABRAMS LANDAU SSDI Hearing). There is a desk, some chairs and a computer in many of the Witness Rooms.   There is room for wheelchairs, and with little in the way of other furnishings, Landau’s paralyzed, brain injured and impaired client little in the way of other distractions.  The computer enables Landau to review the official Federal Government computer file, as he is usually given a CD with all of the evidentiary exhibits on it the morning of the ALJ Hearing.  The CD given to Landau that morning is usually more up to date than the disc sent to ABRAMS LANDAU beforehand, so it is important to review it, with the disabled claimant and their witnesses and family members before entering the Hearing room.  As the saying goes, “The best surprise is NO surprise !”  These rooms give clients, witnesses and counsel to talk in private just prior to going on the record and giving testimony under oath.

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