Top Virginia Workers Comp Lawyers meet in Richmond
Lawyers who do NOT represent insurance companies and who devote a substantial amount of their time, effort and resources toward helping injured workers and their families met again today in Richmond at the “VTLA Advanced Workers Compensation Retreat.” Doug Landau has remarked, “I always learn about unreported cases, strategies and new ways of helping disabled workers who come to me for help. It is one of the best Continuing Legal Education programs of the year. And the learning does not stop outside of the lecture hall – I sometimes learn more in between and after the official presentations by bouncing ideas off of other attendees from all over the Commonwealth as well as the speakers, judges and medical professionals who are in attendance”
By invitation only, this event is attended by trial lawyers who represent injured workers and their families. Attendees cannot represent insurance companies and there were only three dozen experienced attorneys from all over the Commonwealth who gathered to learn from noted speakers from the Virginia Workers Compensation Commission as well as the legal and medical professions. Shown here are a quarter of the group out for supper in Richmond’s West End.