Why doesn’t the defendant get to present a medical expert at trial? The short answer is the insurance company’s defense lawyers are always allowed to have a medical expert examine an injured Plaintiff once the lawsuit has been filed. They can also have a doctor do what is called a “medical records review” to rebut…
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Expert witnesses for the Federal Government are to be expected at Social Security Disability Hearings. However, when the Judge’s own hired professional agrees that the unemployed worker is “disabled,” chances are that a “Fully Favorable” opinion will be written by the Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”). In a Social Security case tried by Doug Landau in…
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It is becoming harder and harder to win Social Security Disability cases with just the testimony of a disabled worker, his or her family, and other lay witnesses. So what can a claimant do in order to show a Federal Administrative Law Judge the extent of his or her disabling conditions ? The short answer,…
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