Tag Archives: judges

President’s Ill Advised Executive Order Eliminates Requirements to Be a Federal Social Security Judge

Judges should be selected from the best, brightest and experienced lawyers. Having someone sitting in judgment in a Federal court who has never actually tried the kinds of cases he or she is deciding is a recipe for disaster. However, President Trump’s executive order upends the system put in place to ensure that Federal Administrative…

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What to eat (or not to eat or drink) for Court; Super Lawyer Doug Landau’s tips and warnings [Part 6 of 7]

Snacks – Watch out WHERE you eat.  In some court houses, like the Fairfax County Judicial Center, there is one cafeteria, where counsel, claimants, defendants, witnesses and JURORS often eat.  This is because there is not enough time to get to the parking lots and go “off site” to a restaurant observes Herndon trial lawyer Doug…

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