Previously I have written about burn injuries and the pain and disability they cause. I have also discussed the benefits of mediation in catastrophic injury and disability cases. In a case mediated by former Alexandria Circuit Court Chief Judge Kent and prepared by my friend and experienced Richmond trial attorney Chris Guedri, the innocent plaintiff…
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Many people are burned by flammable garments each year. Some victims of these defective products are “burned” a second time, when they entrust their cases to lawyers who advertise, but do not know what they are doing. One of the ways these lawyers can ruin a meritorious “Flammability case” is by failing to preserve the…
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An ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd., client was a guest at one of the hotels in the Colonial Williamsburg area. He went into bathroom in his hotel room and turned on the heatlamp. This was the original unit that was installed in the hotel in 1983. He sat down on the toilet. The hotel heat lamp heated…
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When Nancy Odell borrowed $3,000 while her car crash case was pending, she never expected to be in a lawsuit with the lender, “Legal Bucks,” for OVER TRIPLE THE AMOUNT BORROWED !The facts are simple. Nancy Odell (Plaintiff) was involved in a car crash. She got a lawyer who pursued a personal injury claim…
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When four generations of women came to my office seeking help for an innocent child being raised by her grandparents, none of imagined that the little girl would receive tax free payments for almost a decade. The case arose as the result of the accidental death of a boom truck worker. The basket on the truck…
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