Post-9/11 Pentagon Repairs Result in Fatal Tragedy
Doug Landau was brought into the case by Colorado counsel. In unrelated litigation, Mr. Landau became a member of the Colorado Federal bar. Litigating against the insurance company, he ran into another twist. While the decedent and the child’s mother were divorced, the District Court’s Child Support Order, together with her South Dakota Birth Certificate and Social Security Card gave support to the claim of dependency. Mr. Landau’s actual client was the decedent’s teenage daughter. However, the deceased worker also left behind a baby born AFTER his fatal Pentagon accident. So both daughters, the one he knew, and the one he never saw, were entitled to share in the Award.
The Deputy Commissioner Order required the payment of funeral and burial expenses, as well as a base weekly comp rate of $645.00, the maximum allowable weekly rate for the year of this tragic loss. Counsels’ efforts have resulted in the Georgia Insurer paying over $200,000 in comp benefits to date. With weekly payments to each daughter continuing until the 500 weeks allowed under Virginia law are expended. In addition, the daughters share in the Cost of Living Adjustments (“COLAs”) that increase the weekly compensation checks each year. These COLAs are intended to keep apace with inflation. The team at ABRAMS LANDAU have helped others affected by the 9attacks of 9/11. For other claim related to the most tragic terrorist attacks on U. S. soil, see our related entries on Mr. Landau’s 9/11 Airline cases, which have been handled at no charge to the surviving families.